Friday, December 17, 2010

Slalom Practice

Piper has a naturally serpentine drive, so it was fun that we finally did a drill where the goal was to do a slalom drive through a straight line of orange cones. Not surprisingly our tendency to weave like a drunk driver finally came in handy. It was fun and actually a very tricky drill.

Also worked Rylee in an attempt to get ourselves partnered up before the New Years trial. She is getting more in tune with me each time but we will only get one more chance to work together before the trial. I will be surprised if we manage to get the driving together by then. Her outwork - where she can be on autopilot - looks really good though. She is completely different to handle than Piper. Thoughtful in her approach to sheep but not really hesitant. She needs me to check in with her occasionally but she does not need the hard intervention that I need with Piper.

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